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Key Master

A quick painting I started to fool around during a work session with friends. I just let the idea unfold with multiple tries and experimentations. The guy was ok pretty quickly but the back took more time to reveal itself so much so that I considered giving up the piece but in the end it worked out pretty well.
I didn't pushed it as much as I would for previous personal pieces, maybe I'll rework it later if I ever get the motivation to do so.
It is VERY inspired by the work of

First version. At this stage I just knew I wanted something misty and surnatural with a guy holding a key.

First version. At this stage I just knew I wanted something misty and surnatural with a guy holding a key.

Second try, i worked too much on the background of this one, redoing the shapes and uncertain about the direction of the piece. I was thinking maybe a "bag of strange flesh" but I couldn't make it fit.

Second try, i worked too much on the background of this one, redoing the shapes and uncertain about the direction of the piece. I was thinking maybe a "bag of strange flesh" but I couldn't make it fit.

Unsatosfyied by the previous background I tried a different way : a misty forest. But it wasn't working either so I moved to another idea.

Unsatosfyied by the previous background I tried a different way : a misty forest. But it wasn't working either so I moved to another idea.

I finally found what I wanted to do after the previous failure. The rest is just rendering.

I finally found what I wanted to do after the previous failure. The rest is just rendering.